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Our Eco-friendly Building and Processes

  • Geothermal heating and cooling system
  • Energy efficient insulation
  • Infrastructure to add solar panels and EV chargers in the future
  • Process water is recaptured and reused, reducing our overall water consumption
  • Covered aerated static pile (CASP) composting

Meet Our Machines

Our facility requires specialized equipment to manipulate materials at various points of the composting process. Learn more about just a few of our machines that are unique to composting.

Tap the pictures to learn more about each machine

Vermeer HG6800TX and HG6000TX

Komptech X67 Topturn Windrow Turner

Scott Thor Turbo Separator

Edge and Vermeer Trommel Screeners

Komptech Crambo 5000

Komptech Multistar L3 Star Screener and XL3 Star Screener

Vermeer HG6800TX and HG6000TX

Horizontal Grinders

In addition to composting operations, our facility also processes shredded, mixed hardwood mulch. Before the high-quality mulch can be sold, wood is run through a grinder both off-site and on-site. The material is then either added to the composting recipes or turned into colored mulch to be sold in bulk at our facility. Designed specifically for processing larger materials such as whole trees and large logs, the grinders are built to power through tough materials with less operator interaction. In fact, the machines are entirely operated from a remote-controlled device. This allows for increased safety and efficiency.

Scott Thor Turbo Separator


Thor is a top-of-the-line pre-processing, depackaging, and separation system for packaged food waste. Basically, it separates packaged food from its packaging when it is no longer usable, allowing the contents to be composted instead of sent to the landfill. This machine allows us to take in recalled, expired, or misprinted foods from stores or manufacturing facilities, which will be its primary use. The machine’s power lies in its capacity and accuracy. It can separate over 100 tons a day with a 99% or more clean rate.

Komptech Crambo 5000


The Crambo is a slow-speed shredder that grinds all incoming food waste and yard waste. Once material arrives at our facility, it is scooped up by an operator and dumped into the top of the Crambo. The inside of this machine has sharp teeth on two rotating drums that turn at approximately 1200 rpm, compared to our horizontal high-speed grinders, which operate at — rpm. The slower speed keeps contamination in larger, easily removable pieces and reduces damage caused by contamination.

Komptech X67 Topturn Windrow Turner

Windrow Turner

This machine is able to drive over the top of the windrow by straddling it, while the paddles on the center drum mix the material. It takes about 30 minutes to turn an entire windrow. This machine can turn windrows that are up to 10 feet tall and 18 feet wide. Each windrow is turned periodically during the curing process to enhance final product quality.

Edge and Vermeer Trommel Screeners


Trommel screeners separate finished materials into two fractions for size reduction into a saleable product. They are also used for screening black dirt to be used in our compost blends and screening yard waste compost. Yard waste compost does not typically have plastic contamination, so it can be run through this simpler screener.

Komptech Multistar L3 Star Screener and XL3 Star Screener

Final Screeners

One of the final steps of our composting process includes screening the material to ensure that it is free from contaminants, such as sticks, rocks, debris, and non-compostable items. This also allows our facility to screen our compost into a saleable size. The screener separates the compost into three different sizes. We use the smallest size for our compost sales. The larger sizes are often added back into the composting process to allow the material to further break down. These impressive pieces of equipment can screen more than 400 yards of material per hour.